Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!

We got a little snow Saturday night, but what is more we also have temps into the 20's....brrrrrrr.

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Lucy headed out on a walk with her Daddy and played in the snow with her friend Delaney~


  1. I'll bet she had fun in the snow!! No snow here, but below zero temps -- brrrr!!

    Hope Lucy got to make a snow angel!


  2. Dawn - Love the picture with Lucy & Daddy taking a walk. I know this Christmas will be magical for your family. Blessings

    p.s. I received updated photos of Miss L! Hoping that TA comes this week.

  3. Looks like a fun the photo of Lucy with her Daddy!!

    We could use a little more white always puts me in the Christmas spirit!!

    Have a wonderful week!


  4. it is COLD outside! LOVE Lucy's hat!

  5. Looks like fun!
    love the pictures

  6. Cute snow pictures! We are still waiting patiently for some! I love Lucy's hat too!

  7. Glad I live in South Texas....though it is in the low 30's here!!! brrrrr
    Your snow is pretty!!

  8. Dawn,
    The snow sure is pretty but the COLD has quite a bite to it huh?!! And they don't predict much improvement over the next few days either - yikes!

    Hey I just wanted to see if you got my message?? I think I left it last weekend. We'll have to catch up after the holidays if that works for you!

  9. Lucy you are just the cutest in your snow outfit. I so wonder what goes through your little mind with all this new stuff happening around you. Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas with all the decorations, Christmas trees, snow and all the presents you will receive.I so wish I knew what you thought of all this. I am so happy I am here to see you and the wonderment of it all. I don't know how we made it waiting for you. I am so happy that mommy and Daddy found that picture of you, I don't know what our lives would be like if we didn't have you. We love you so much Lucy, you light up our lives and yet you are the one who had the harder life.
    I love you my Lucy
    Grammy and PaPa

  10. It is freezing here too, it looks like you guys are really making the best of it though. :)

  11. WHAT A PRETTY SNOW BUNNY! Oh it's snowing here in NJ today! Bring it on I say!!! Makes everything seem clean and pure.

    Love her outfit and hat! Too cute I say.



  12. She looks adorable in her snow clothes!
