Wednesday, May 25, 2011


these are starting to arrive....
I love getting these announcements, I cannot believe this time has come for this wonderful group of excited for all of them!

we are reading this.... 
we were gifted this book, and it is DARLING...we have since requested more from the library!

I am planning this.....
now that ALL the birthdays are over in our house, it is time to get busy :)

my favorite tree out my living room window looks like this....
we had contemplated getting rid of this tree, but I love it so much...we hang a swing from it every summer, and Bennett still climbs it!

and this was dinner....
lasagna, french breach, salad and strawberries...yum!


  1. Sounds like you still have a busy time ahead of you.....Congrats to your son on his graduation! I know how hard it is to cut a tree down...yours looks lovely, | can see why you have kept it:) Your dinner looks so yummy too. Hope you guys are all well!!


  2. How fun!! Love graduating seniors... I love photographing them. They are always so much fun to work with.

    And I love, love the prom post!! How funny! Lucy looks adorable. Who could say no to her??

  3. Graduation parties are so fun! Am sure that yours will be fabulous! And that dinner -- wow!! Wish I lived a lot closer! :)

    Have fun with graduating season!


  4. I'm sure the grad party will be amazing. Can't wait to see what you do!

    And that dinner looks delicious. Can I come have dinner at your place? ;)

  5. Can't wait to see pics of the party!! Wow Lucy is getting to such a young lady!! Beautiful shots of your blessed life, thanks for sharing them.... :-)
