Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday Bennett!!

Today, our baby boy turns 15
  Seriously, how did that happen?
I remember him as a baby and toddler more than the other boys. He was my third and I just felt so much more comfortable and confident in my Mothering skills :)..that I enjoyed every moment.  I didn't stress or worry quite like I did the first two times :)

Bennett, you are a joy
you are funny
you are smart
you are opinionated
you are stubborn
you are handsome
you are more athletic than you think you are :)
you are serious
and you will always be our baby boy!
We love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays!


  1. Bennett, I feel much like your mom....can't believe you are 15 and I was there at your have grown into a young man and I love you! LOVE, Pops.

  2. Awww, my oldest just turned 15 too.
    Happy Birthday handsome Bennett!

  3. happy birthday, bennett!
    {make sure to give your mom some extra hugs}
