Sunday, January 25, 2009


My creation
Lately, everywhere we have gone that has a train set up, Lucy is in today we pulled out our train that the boys used to play with and set it up for Lucy....she has had so much fun making big trains, small trains, and going around and around the track!


  1. That is so sweet!! We have a similar train set and Maddy also loves to play with it.

    Happy CNY to you and your family!


  2. That is MY baby girl....
    I love you


  3. That is so funny becuase Mia is the same way. you kind of think of them as girls but with all the boys around, boy toys are fair game and mia eats it up!! If we are at our mall, she has to go to the Thomas The Train store to play with the trains. We also kept parts of the boys old train set and she loves when we pull them out to play. Funny!

  4. What sweet train pictures! Kamree loves trains too. She is always wandering around the house saying, "Choooo choooo!"

    Hope you have a great week!
