Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homecoming 2011~

Last week Blake and Bennett went to Homecoming...what is it about seeing your boys in tuxedos that melts a Mama's heart...sigh :)

This is nothing new for Blake, but this was Bennett's first homecoming.  I am so proud of my boys, as they paid for EVERYTHING themselves, from tux rentals, tickets, to corsages!

Yep, there she is :)...lots of thought was put into what she wanted to wear to the homecoming photo shoot...she KILLS me!!

(notice the brown flower clipped to her dress..that is her corsage!)

Blake and time flies when I realize these two boys are now the oldest in each of their homes!!

Blake and his CUTE date Molly!!
We "staged" the boutonniere pic (above)...and then right after the shot, she asks someone to pin it on (below)!

Lucy and Molly...I love that the girls never think twice about picking Lucy up and holding her for these pictures :)

So sweet!
Blake and his friends had dinner at Molly's house before the dance, and then after headed to another friend's house for a bonfire and food!!

Next it was Bennett's turn!
He took his CUTE friend Taylor.  He and his friends met at Taylor's house for pictures and dinner, and then parents chauffeured them to the dance.  After, they also went to another friends for a bonfire and s'mores party!

I loved watching the "freshman" take pics...they are so excited to be going to their first dance, and none of them have ever seen each other SO dressed could tell they were all a little nervous, but I know once the night got going they loosened up a little!

A great night!


  1. Oh my -- look at your cute sons and their dates and Miss Lucy -- all so adorable! Looks like loads of fun!


  2. such fun! oh how this takes me back a few years! looks like you have a quality family! <3 (PS-Want to win a pair of Cents of Style shoes of your choice? Enter on my blog today:

  3. WOW, everyone looks FABULOUS!! I love that little Lucy jumps into the fun....she is so cute!

    Dropping by with some good news...... you won one of the free classes! your number was chosen. I am assuming that you want to take the "Get Out of the Auto Zone" class... I think that is what you mentioned in your comment. Just email me to let me know to be sure.

    All my best,


  4. This is such a cute post!!!! The boys and their dates look fabulous but Lucy steals the show!!!!! Just think when she goes to her first dance, she will not look awkward or nervous...she will be a pro form all the years of watching!
