Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Hunger Games

Have you read The Hunger Games?
At first, I was not interested in reading the books,
they seemed completely unlike anything I would normally read
After hearing a couple of friends say the same thing, and then LOVING the books 
I thought I would give them a shot

I started the first book
I was
I read the first two books in a week...I could not put them down
I talked about them so much that Blake picked up my Kindle and started reading them too
and now we are both waiting for the movie to come out at the end of March....
I might even be there at midnight :)

Did you read The Hunger Games??

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  1. We loved the hunger games!! And I think the gal they have playing Katniss looks just like I pictured her. Can't wait to see the movie!

  2. Yes! And like you, I was skeptical at first and didn't think it was "my type" of book. I really, really enjoyed them and cannot wait for the movie too...although I don't think I can stay up for the midnight preview :)
    I started reading The Language of Flowers and it may be one you enjoy too!

  3. I read it for bookclub a couple of years ago - couldn't get into it. Maybe I need to give it a second look...

  4. Oh Dawn!!! I love love love those books. I rook the first 2 to china with us last year (exactly this time last year) while adopting Finley. I could not put them down and finished both of them and was sooooo mad I didnt bring the 3rd book to china as well. The second we got home I finished the third book and now am going to read them again before the movie comes out in march. My boys have read the first 2 books and I love talking about it with them. I love them so much and as much as I didnt think I would love them, I did and could not put them down-- gotta love these books and cant wait for the movie!!!!

  5. I thought the first book was captivating, the second one was okay and the third one was terrible; I am looking forward to the movie, though :)

  6. Lexie...I have to admit the last book was my least favorite of all :)

  7. My youngest son just started the first one and he really likes it! I just haven't' been able to get started. Too many other books I am excited about reading!

  8. I loved the first book and powered trough 1 and 2 in a weekend. 3 was just okay for me but all in all I enjoyed the series and could not wait to see how it ended. I cannot wait to take Will to the movie too.
