Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Lucy Joy!

My Sweet Lucy Joy♥      

Today is your 7th birthday, how can it be?  You are such a sweet, smart, stylish, funny, kind little lady and we couldn't be more proud of you!

Here are some of the things you love to do right now...cook with Mommy, play with your Baby, drive your jeep, dance, listen to music, play on the computer, play with Camryn, talk about your day :), puzzles, play games, pretend shopping, going anywhere with Daddy, dates with your Brothers, Grammy and Papa's visits on Friday nights, reading, and First Grade!

You bring such joy to our family & friends and everyone who meets you.  You are a blessing beyond compare♥

Happy Birthday Lucy!
I love you with all my heart♥


  1. Happy Birthday Lucy! September 10 is a great day to have a's mine too!! Good luck in 1st grade, I know you will do awesome and I am voting every day for you for the Childrens Place! My girls know YOU should be their model!

    Happy Day from the Larson family..
    Linda, Steve, Sadie (ChangDe) and Sophie

  2. Linda...thank you so much for the birthday wishes for Lucy, and thank you for following our blog!

    Please tell Sadie and Sophie thank you for all the votes, we really appreciate it!!

    Dawn and Lucy

  3. Happy Birthday Lucy. I am sure 7 will be a wonderful year.

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!! She is just precious :)

  5. Oh my goodness Dawn, I just about fell off my chair reading that Lucy is 7!! I think I'm gonna need some proof! :)
    Well Happy 7th to Miss Personality, precious Lucy!! I hope the day was very special for you all, I can just tell she is such a joy to be around and Lucy, may you have a wonderful year ahead and may all your dreams come true!!

  6. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Hope she had a great time celebrating!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday, Miss Lucy!
    Hope your day was fabulous, like YOU!!!

  8. Oh my...where does the time go??? HAppy Birthday to one of the most adorable, funny and smart little girls I have ever "known." You are a jewel Miss Lucy. We adore you!!!
